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It's Orange Month! | 15-18% Off BOGO Deals and More
Overjoyed Customer Declares Brian Gavin Diamonds "The Dream Team".....

Overjoyed Customer Declares Brian Gavin Diamonds "The Dream Team".....

  • Dear Lesley, Brian and Team, To say I love the ring would be an understatement. No words can describe how in awe I am of this ring!!!!!!! Are you sure you didn't chuck my grandmother's OEC in the garbage and just give me one of your Brian Gavin Signature Diamonds? LOL…It does not look like it lost much carat weight at all. The fire and sparkle from this diamond has been blinding me all day (even in the rain). I am so happy you were able to reuse the mounting and the prong work is outstanding! It is exactly what I was hoping for. I am madly in love with this beauty and my Grandmother will be so proud of my decision to save her diamond. It is truly something special just as she was and I look forward to passing it on to my children. I cannot thank your team enough for your outstanding customer service and the attention I received, especially Leslie who never sleeps. I am declaring Brian Gavin Diamonds "THE DREAM TEAM". I am a customer for life and I look forward to future business. Best regards, Vanessa
  • Hi Lesley, I picked up the package from FedEx yesterday and I was simply astonished on how beautiful the ring is!! Just WOW! I had set my expectations really high and you and Brian have managed to blow them straight out of the water! The diamond is truly everything you and Brian said it would be. It is breathtaking!! Thank you so much for your excellent communication, customer service, and for everything you guys have done. I cannot wait to share this ring with my girlfriend as I know she will be just as excited and thrilled as I was when I opened that box! I went ahead and shared my experience with you and Brian on pricescope here . Hopefully, I will have more pictures to share soon. Once again, thanks again for all your help and I look forward to working with you in the future – hopefully sooner then later! Thanks again, Adam PS. I will be forwarding you the appraisal that I received yesterday just as an FYI. The appraiser said that the diamond was "stunning" and I did "really really good." I could not have done it without you and Brian!
  • Lesley, Hi! I just got back from picking my ring up at Fed Ex and I am thrilled. It is absolutely stunning. It faces up bigger than I thought it would (yey!) and the stone is so much fun to look at. Thank you sooooo much for all your help with this major (for me) purchase. I am happy we finally pulled the trigger and bought something. Also, the setting is gorgeous and the prongs look really amazing. The jeweler who set it really did an awesome job. I am just thrilled. Thanks sooooooo much for working with my budget and delivering a stunning ring that I will be proud to wear for the rest of my life. Take care, Stacy
  • Hi Lesley, Just wanted to let you know that I picked up the pendant today and it looks FABULOUS!!!!!! Completely beyond my expectations. I can't stop looking at it. The diamond sparkles and the chain is so fine that it looks like the stone is floating on my neck. I love it so much. Thank you and Brian for everything! I look forward to working with you again on more diamond projects. Best regards, Diane
  • I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It turned out fabulous and perfect! I tracked the package all night literally and about 10 am my time Fedex called to say they were holding it for me to pick up and I rushed out like a mad woman and as soon as I paid them the pesky $92 CAD in taxes I ran out to the car and started to open the package and ended up cutting my finger, that's how mad with excitement I was I actually didn't even notice until I got home and Chris noticed that I had blood all over my hand. I'm fine just one of those small cuts that bleeds like mad. Anyway, it fits perfectly, the bezel is lovely, it is a little firecracker, and it is EXACTLY what I wanted and I literally have been wearing it 24/7 since I got it out of the box. By the way I adore the boxes that you use 🙂 SO pretty. My mom and brother loved it and my idea of why I am going to wear it all the time. Pls pass my most heartfelt thanks to Brian for the lovely diamond now I finally own a BG signature stone which I have been dying to own and it is really beautiful. And thank you, thank you for your patience and help and the chats and the laughs and how fast you got the bracelet done. It was like I placed the order and it was in my hands and that's some feat considering I don't live in the US. I hope we can work together really soon…:-) Simone
  • Hi Lesley and Brian, I picked up the pendant this afternoon and I'm thrilled. I love the thinness of the bezel, and that the jump rings are turned and nearly invisible. (Even though the bezel is so thin, it really gives the stone a size boost too!) And I don't miss the milgrain all that much – in fact, it's probably a better match for the other, smaller bezel pendant I have and plan to layer with this one. Thanks so much for the lovely pendant and for your excellent customer service! It turned out as well as I could have hoped. Best, Shauna
  • Hi Lesley, I got my ring and stone appraised yesterday by one of the independent appraisers I found using PriceScope. She's been in the business 27 years. I wanted to pass along that not only did she place its value above what I paid, but she was very impressed overall. She wouldn't stop talking about how beautiful the stone was for the entire hour I was there. She noted that Brian's workmanship was simply outstanding. She praised the setting (Tiffany Knife Edge Solitaire) and its attention to detail, like the small hole underneath the stone on the inside on the band (I assume for cleaning purposes, but she liked it because she could measure the depth of the stone). She facetiously said my fiancee was more likely to sever her finger than for us to have problems with the prongs, because they're placed so well (I of course will still get it checked several times a year). Anywho, thought I'd pass some potential feedback for your website along. 😉 Dan
  • If I could have a dollar for every time I read this afternoon, "when do these guys ever sleep", I'd be a good way down the road to purchasing the ring! I know what it's like to work all hours so kudos to you and Brian for all your hard work. You have certainly made many people very happy!- Joanna

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