Benefits of Signature Diamonds, Weighing Hype vs. Intrinsic Value
Brian Gavin is a fifth-generation diamond cutter who signs his work with pride. That is why the BGD Signature logo appears on the girdle edge of every diamond they produce. There is also an inscription that references the corresponding diamond grading report number.
Consequently, those characteristics are something that is missing from most "Signature diamonds" these days. From Brian's perspective, the Signature is not only a sign of pride. It also reflects his guarantee that every Brian Gavin Signature diamond is a masterpiece.
Of course, we realize that is the kind of statement that most companies will make about their product. However, we back it up with the images necessary to verify the superior light performance of our diamonds.
Plus, Brian Gavin is the only cutter worldwide with a patent for maximizing light performance in the modern round brilliant cut diamond. Now, that is something to be proud of and an excellent reason to sign your work!
First, it's essential to realize that inscriptions usually look dark in the clarity photograph. That is because the laser's carbon dust remains within the body of the characters.
The inscription will become translucent after the diamond is steam cleaned a few times. In that case, you're looking for a microscopic inscription etched on the edge of a transparent diamond crystal.
Under those conditions, looking for the inscription is like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, it does become easier with practice, especially if you know a trick or two.
I find it easier to find the Signature inscription by evaluating the diamond at a slight angle. In other words, I hold the ring at an angle of 30-degrees and scan the girdle edge for the inscription.
It also helps to rock the diamond slightly back and forth while looking for a slight break in the pattern of light reflecting off the girdle edge. You should be able to find the inscription quickly using that method, as long as your jeweler didn't set a prong over the Signature.
What Makes Brian Gavin Signature Diamonds So Special?
To begin with, only a tiny handful of diamonds met the criteria for the AGS Ideal-0 rating. First, most diamond cutters aren't willing to lose the amount of rough necessary to achieve the most desirable proportions. Second, they lack the skill and equipment necessary to polish diamonds to exhibit a higher degree of optical precision. That isn't a problem if you're submitting diamonds to the GIA for grading. After all, their overall cut grade only accounts for polish, proportions, and symmetry. Perhaps that explains why 85% of the round brilliant cut diamonds qualify for the GIA Excellent rating. As that may be, the vast majority of them fall short when subjected to angular spectrum analysis. Perhaps that is why most cutters will not submit their diamonds for grading on the AGS Light Performance grading platform. In contrast, Brian Gavin appreciates that AGS ASET verifies the superior performance of his diamonds.Superior Optical Precision Produces More Vibrant Sparkle:
The more you learn about diamonds, the more you'll appreciate the superior sparkle factor that optical precision produces. However, it's essential to understand that the diamond proportions only set the stage. In other words, the correct crown and pavilion angle offset creates the potential for optimum performance. However, any variance in the size, shape, or alignment of the facets can ruin the performance. Conversely, AGS Ideal or GIA Excellent symmetry does not guarantee good light performance. The labs grade meet-point symmetry and do not account for optical precision as part of their grading process. Under those circumstances, the only way to judge optical precision is to evaluate the diamond using a Hearts and Arrows Scope. The H&A Scope enables you to determine whether the hearts' pattern is symmetrical. In that case, it's easy to see the superior production quality of Brian Gavin Signature hearts and arrows diamonds. After all, we provide all the images necessary to verify the exceptional degree of precision. Consequently, the combined effect of specific proportions and exacting optical precision produces more virtual facets within the diamond. In other words, you'll see that Brian Gavin Signature diamonds exhibit sparkle that is more vivid and intense.What Is The Value of a Signature?
It stands to reason that some signatures are worth more than others. The intrinsic value depends on many factors, not the least of which is recognition for a specific achievement or skill. Brian Gavin is a fifth-generation diamond cutter with a passion for excellence. The hearts and arrows diamonds featured in his collections represent the Top 0.001% of the annual production of rounds. He also holds the only patent for maximizing light performance in the modern round brilliant cut diamond, as stated previously. In that case, it's fair to say that his experience and expertise add value to the equation. But so does the methodology and process used to polish the diamonds to exhibit a superior sparkle factor. It takes up to 4X longer to polish an ideal cut diamond to the higher degree of optical precision necessary to produce a crisp and complete H&A pattern. It takes even longer to polish a diamond to the specifications for the Black by Brian Gavin collection. In that case, it costs more to produce our Signature diamonds than those that are less precise. As that may be, only you can decide that the spectacular sparkle factor is worth the difference.Brian Gavin Signature vs. Other Signature Diamond Brands:
Throughout the years, we've seen many brands of Signature diamonds come and go. Most of them were no different than standard ideal cut diamonds with a premium price for nothing more than a brand designation. In other words, there is nothing special about a lot of the "Signature diamonds" you might encounter. We realize that is a bold statement, but you don't have to take our word for it. First, take a look at the proportions, and you'll see that their standards are broad. Then, look at the ASET and H&A Scope images and tell us whether the degree of optical precision is of the highest caliber. That is, if they dare to provide those images in the first place.Where Does the Brand Signature Appear on Diamonds?
One essential factor missing from most "Signature diamonds" is an actual signature. In other words, the majority of diamond brands do not inscribe their logo on the girdle edge of their diamonds. The edge of the girdle is the line that separates the upper and lower halves of a diamond. In other words, it is the midsection that appears between the upper crown and lower pavilion sections. Consequently, the inscription on the girdle edge commonly reflects the brand designation or Signature. The inscription is relatively small, so you will need 30X power magnification or higher to read it. Conversely, the standard magnification for diamond clarity grading is 10x, and it's practically impossible to read an inclusion under those conditions. It can also be a challenge to read an inscription using 30x magnification under certain conditions.How to Find the Signature Inscription on Your Diamond: