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Pearls and diamonds: a perfect pair

Pearls and diamonds: a perfect pair

Diamonds and pearls are both beautiful objects that create timeless jewelry. Some wearers believe the two should be worn separately, while others deem them the perfect pair. The combination has been featured on everything from royal tiaras to casual jewelry. As you investigate the many gorgeous earrings from the Brian Gavin team, take some time to get to know the pearl.

How pearls are formed

Pearls are created inside an oyster or mollusk. These organisms sit in the ocean and feed on plankton. Sometimes, a piece of sand or other irritant makes its way inside the oyster. The oyster feels the sand and is uncomfortable. Unfortunately, it cannot get rid of the irritant, so it creates a protective shield around it instead. The mollusk secretes a substance called nacre, which over time envelopes the uncomfortable speck. When humans open an oyster that has been protecting itself from the sand particle, they find a pearl.

Substance and shape

Pearls are created with nacre, the substance oysters secrete to protect themselves. This compound is made of the mineral aragonite and conchiolin - the component in a mollusk's shell. The nacre cells adhere to a penetrating particle and begin to encase it. Without nacre, pearls would not form.

Pearls can grow in different shapes. Round are the most prized, but flat and irregular shapes also make for unique jewelry. Irregularly formed pearls are called baroque and were grown in muscular tissue. Blisters are flat pearls that have formed adjacent to the shell. The Diamond Spiral earrings by the Brian Gavin team have beautiful blister pearls framed with a swirl of diamonds.

Only in nature

Humans don't know how to create pearls artificially. The nacre oysters secrete has properties that move color in such a way to reflect the multitude of colors that pearls are known for. This surface color is called orient. Pearls are valued higher when they are perfectly spherical, as they create a deeper, more enticing luster. Oysters with shells lined with mother-of-pearl are the only mollusks that create brilliant pearls. Other mollusks can create pearls - however, they aren't as rich in color or shine.


Pearls come in a variety of colors, from white to pink to black. There are many factors involved that produce the colors, including water temperature, diet and breed of oyster.


Custom jewelry and pre-designed pearl earrings from the Brian Gavin team combine the gorgeous work of oysters with diamonds. The Pearl Dangles earrings are one example of how diamonds and pearls can come together in one beautiful piece.

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