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Up to $2000 Off Your Order | 40% Off Gold Jewelry
#MyBGDTravels: Road Trip Edition

#MyBGDTravels: Road Trip Edition

Third time's a charm! We've been celebrating your sparkle all summer long with our #MyBGDTravels contest and can't get enough. This August, we've asked you to submit a creative photo of your Brian Gavin Diamonds jewels on a road trip. Mile after mile, it's amazing to see the distance your BGD has gone since leaving our showroom. Here are a few of our favorite entries so far:

Travis and his fiancée ventured to Moraine Lake in Alberta, Canada, for a mountainous getaway with the Queen Dinah 3-stone engagement ring.

Queen Dinah 3-Stone Engagement Ring

Siddharth planned a romantic proposal to his long-distance girlfriend during her visit to Stockholm, Sweden, with our 18K yellow gold solitaire ring.

Siddarth and his 18K Yellow Gold Solitaire Ring

Meanwhile in the States, Sabrina relaxed during a Minneapolis summer evening with a chilled white wine and her Valentine micro pave engagement ring in 18K white gold.

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Valentine Micro Pave Engagement Ring

Last but not least, Eric and his fiancée took a romantic stroll through Sherwood Gardens in Baltimore, Maryland, with a Brian Gavin Diamonds signature cut stone.

Eric's Brian Gavin Diamonds Stone in Sherwood Gardens

Do you think your jewels stand a chance? Document your cross-country adventures by photographing your Brian Gavin Diamond jewelry on the road and you could expand your collection. Submit your travel adventures for a chance to win a Brian Gavin Diamonds jewelry roll with a surprise piece of jewelry valued up to $500 until Aug. 31. A winner will be announced in early September.

To enter, post a photo on your personal Twitter or Instagram accounts using the hashtag #MyBGDTravels. (Accounts must be public.) You can also post your photo directly to our Facebook page using the same #MyBGDTravels hashtag. Click here to find the contest rules.

Best of luck!

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