Brian Gavin Signature Diamond Solitaire Engagement Ring is a Symbol of Love and Commitment…
At the beginning of December we received a request through our Live Help desk about one of our 2 carat Brian Gavin Signature Hearts and Arrows diamonds. The customer had been reading all about Brian on Pricescope and had decided that she only wanted her engagement diamond and setting from him. She called in after the Live Help session was over and had an exciting discussion with Brian. The next morning her boyfriend called in and said that all she could talk about was her Brian Gavin diamond and he asked for more information. He took a day or two to digest the information and then called over the weekend to finalize the purchase. We created a customized platinum classic tiffany style knife edge setting for the customer's new 2.39 carat Brian Gavin Signature H & A diamonds and shipped it out to an ecstatic couple:
Dear Lesley and Brian, I'm ENGAGED! Darren popped the question the night of December 16th! Words cannot even explain what a saw when my Darren proposed to me. He opened the box as he was proposing and took out and held this beautiful ring that meant the world to me. The symbol of our love and commitment. As he placed the ring on my finger I was floored, I have never in my life seen such a beautifully cut diamond and to believe it is MINE! I cried and just could not believe the perfection. I am so glad that I had learned and read about you on Pricescope and that Darren put ALL his trust and confidence to you both. The diamond is flawless, colorless, and a "sparkler"! My mouth drops when I look at the beauty of it! The gorgeous sleek knife edge setting, it is perfection! The lines and craftsmanship are truly PERFECT, there are no other words. It surpassed all my stresses and worries (my extreme pickiness!!) Lesley, you were right! The entire ring is absolutely GORGEOUS! I barely could work yesterday, I spent the whole day chatting with the girls in the office as the crowd poured in congratulating me..and one girl came over and said "Wanda, you lifted up your hand and all I could see from a distance was this thing sparkling on your finger!" I thought to myself, that's my ring!! 🙂 My best friend made me feel so good when she took me out to lunch and said, "Oh my god! I have never see a diamond like that in my whole life!", and she named it the "sparkler"..its such a great feeling. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me decide on the diamond and setting. Darren is so happy I can't even tell you. He said he would never go to anyone else for any future diamond purchases! Thank You again!!!!!!!!!! Wanda and Darren
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