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Deals on Loose Diamonds, Wedding Bands, Gold Jewelry, & Heart Jewelry
"A Portable Jeweller: M-Commerce" - BGD Featured In Retail Jeweller Magazine

"A Portable Jeweller: M-Commerce" - BGD Featured In Retail Jeweller Magazine

Retail Jeweller Brian Gavin Diamonds has been featured in the September edition of Retail Jeweller in an article about Jewelers and M-Commerce. After learning about all of the rave reviews for our iPhone and Android Mobile Apps, Retail Jeweller reached out to us to learn more about our company and the mobile sphere. Here is a snippet from the article: Retail Jeweller - Mcommerce "…Experienced jewellery companies that have immersed themselves in the m-commerce world have reaped significant rewards from the time and money invested to create properly functioning and consumer-satisfactory services. Consistent exposure and accessibility to companies' websites and products is paying of for the retailers, as well as benefiting consumers. The process, according to Gavin, "has definitely been beneficial. It has given us increased exposure to customers who would have never reached us before. It has allowed our customers to have easy, 24-hour access to our website through apps that work seamlessly on their mobile devices…" To read the full article click here.
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