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Up To 25% Off Lab Diamonds - Learn More
Micro Pave Halo Diamond Engagement Ring

I’m dreaming of a bright, white Christmas

“My ten year wedding anniversary is fast approaching, so I’ve been dropping hints that it would be a great time to upgrade my wedding set, and spending lots and lots of time drooling over all of the options available within the Brian Gavin Signature collection. I don’t know why I didn’t click on the option to include Brian Gavin Blue diamonds with blue fluorescence, but did so when I saw the banner today, and now I’m dreaming of a bright, white Christmas that includes this 2.296 carat, E-color, VS-1 clarity, BGD round diamond with strong blue fluorescence, set in the Belle Micro Pave!

The question I’ve got is about the E-color and strong blue fluorescence, because one of the articles that I read online during the course of my research today, indicated that there is a chance that blue fluorescence can make a diamond appear milky, hazy, or cloudy… So I’m wondering what affect the strong blue fluorescence is having on this E-color diamond, and whether the fluorescence is improving the color of this diamond."

The affect of strong blue fluorescence on E-color diamond:

I’d love to know who published the article on fluorescence that people keep referring to, because I’d like to inform the author that the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) conducted an in-depth study back in the 1990’s that evaluated approximately one thousand diamonds with blue fluorescence, to determine what effect blue fluorescence had upon a diamond, and to determine the extent to which trained and untrained observers (basically trained diamond graders and regular consumers) were able to determine whether a diamond exhibited fluorescence or not, without exposing the diamonds to black light to excite and activate the blue fluorescent molecules.

The Gemological Institute of America concluded that fluorescence in diamonds has a negative impact upon the visual properties of a diamond in less than 2% of cases, and in the majority of those instances, the degree of fluorescence is on the very strong to distinct end of the scale; thus diamonds that exhibit medium to strong blue fluorescence are almost always a safe bet.

what-is-the-affect-of-strong-blue-fluorescence-e-color-diamond-bgdHowever one of the benefits of buying a diamond from Brian Gavin, is that he personally evaluates every diamond that is chosen as part of our inventory, diamonds are evaluated not only for the volume of light return and sparkle factor, but also for their overall appearance in general; any diamond that was being negatively affected by the presence of fluorescence would be rejected before it ever made it on to the online inventory of Brian Gavin Signature diamonds.

Thus you don’t have to worry about the strong blue fluorescence in this 2.296 carat, E-color, VS-1 clarity, Brian Gavin Signature round diamond, because the only impact that the fluorescence can have upon the diamond is a positive one. The odds are that the strong blue fluorescence will help to boost the body color of the diamond to the high side of E-color, when the diamond is exposed to direct sunlight, or other light sources that contain a lot of UV light, because the blue fluorescent molecules will help to filter out any yellow that might be present, not that there is a lot of yellow in an E-color diamond to begin with.

And then there is the added bonus of how beautiful the blue fluorescence will be when you expose the diamond to black light, it will glow bright neon blue, just like it appears in this photograph, which was taken of the diamond as seen under black light, in a room which is otherwise completely dark… pretty cool!

I hope that your husband sees fit to surprise you with this beautiful diamond set in the Belle micro pave ring for your 10 year wedding anniversary, that certainly would be a delightful beginning to the 2014 holiday season!

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